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Adjusting your mattress

Already have your mattress and want to know how to adjust it? Read our guides below.

For example, try asking how you can change the Cloud 2 (very soft aurora) to a Cloud 13 (very firm cloud)

Adjust Cooper Medium (5, 6 & 7) Mattress

Adjust Cooper Firmer (8, 9 & 10) Mattress

Adjust Aurora Medium (5, 6 & 7) Mattress

Adjust Aurora Firmer (8, 9 & 10) Mattress

Aurora Firmer mattress demonstration

Cloud, Aurora, and Cooper Mattress Information

Context and Overview

Cloud, Aurora, and Cooper mattresses are designed to offer customizable firmness levels. They come in various models tailored to different weight ranges. Customers can adjust the firmness by modifying the springs. For significant changes, Ausbeds offers support for spring swaps.

Finding the Right Ausbeds Mattress

Step 1: Determine Your Body Weight

Please tell us your body weight to help us recommend the perfect mattress:

  • Under 65kg: Softer models (Cloud 3, Aurora 3, Cooper 3)
  • 65-90kg: Medium models (Cloud 6, Aurora 6, Cooper 6)
  • 90-115kg: Firmer models (Cloud 9, Aurora 9, Cooper 9)
  • Over 115kg: Very firm models (Cloud 12, Aurora 12, Cooper 12)

This information helps us tailor the initial mattress recommendation to your weight, ensuring optimal support and comfort.

Model Numbers and Firmness Ranges

Softer Range

  • Cloud: 2, 3, 4
  • Aurora: 2, 3, 4
  • Cooper: 2, 3, 4

Note: Model 3 is the standard softer model we send the mattress out as by default.

Medium Range

  • Cloud: 5, 6, 7
  • Aurora: 5, 6, 7
  • Cooper: 5, 6, 7

Note: Model 6 is the standard medium model we send the mattress out as by default.

Firmer Range

  • Cloud: 8, 9, 10
  • Aurora: 8, 9, 10
  • Cooper: 8, 9, 10

Note: Model 9 is the standard firmer model we send the mattress out as by default.

Very Firm Range

  • Cloud: 11, 12, 13
  • Aurora: 11, 12, 13
  • Cooper: 11, 12, 13

Note: Model 12 is the standard very firm model we send the mattress out as by default.

Weight-Based Initial Selection

  • Under 65kg: Cloud 3, Aurora 3, Cooper 3 (softer)
  • 65-90kg: Cloud 6, Aurora 6, Cooper 6 (medium)
  • 90-115kg: Cloud 9, Aurora 9, Cooper 9 (firmer)
  • Over 115kg: Cloud 12, Aurora 12, Cooper 12 (very firm)

Components and Adjustments


Standard models (3, 6, 9, 12) use the softer side of the springs facing up with a felt layer on top. The thickness of the springs varies:

  • 1.5mm for softer models
  • 1.6mm for medium models
  • 1.7mm for firmer models
  • 1.7mm with firmer foam for very firm models

Latex Foam

  • Soft latex for softer models
  • Medium latex for medium and firmer models
  • Firm latex for very firm models

Mattress Components

Cloud Mattress Components

  • Main Spring Unit: The core support system of the mattress with 1160 pocketsprings arranged in a honeycomb pattern.
  • Microspring Layers: Two layers of microsprings above the main spring unit, each containing 2000 springs.
  • Bottom Latex Layer: 1cm thick latex layer attached to the bottom of the microsprings to prevent damage.
  • Top Latex Layer: 5cm thick latex layer on top of the microsprings for added comfort.
  • Mattress Cover: The cover includes a completely removable top for easy cleaning and maintenance.

Aurora Mattress Components

Same as the Cloud mattress except it has one layer of microsprings instead of two.

Cooper Mattress Components

No latex and no microsprings, instead uses polyfoam (plastic with bubbles) as opposed to latex (tree sap with bubbles).

Adjusting Firmness at Home

Customers can adjust the firmness of their mattress at home by following these steps:

  1. Unzip the mattress cover to access the internal layers.
  2. Remove the top foam layers to access the springs.
  3. Flip or swap the springs to change between the different firmness levels within a range (e.g., from 5 to 6 to 7).
  4. Reassemble the mattress by putting the layers back in order and zipping the cover closed.

Cloud, Aurora, and Cooper Mattress Information

Adjusting Firmness at Home

Customers can adjust the firmness of their mattress at home by following these steps:

  1. Unzip the mattress cover to access the internal layers.

    All Cloud, Aurora, and Cooper mattresses come with a zippered cover that is completely removable. This feature allows customers to easily access the internal components of the mattress for adjustments and maintenance. Unzip the cover and carefully remove it to expose the internal foam layers and springs.

  2. Remove the top foam layers to access the springs.

    Once the cover is removed, take off the top foam layers, typically composed of latex or polyfoam, to reveal the spring units beneath. Handle the foam layers with care to avoid damage.

  3. Flip or swap the springs to change between the different firmness levels within a range.

    The springs in the mattress are designed to be flipped or swapped to adjust the firmness. For example, if you are currently using a Cloud 6 (medium firmness) and wish to adjust it to Cloud 7 or Cloud 5, you can rearrange the springs accordingly. This involves flipping the springs to change the tension or swapping them with springs of a different gauge provided in the mattress kit.

  4. Reassemble the mattress by putting the layers back in order and zipping the cover closed.

    After adjusting the springs, replace the foam layers in their original order and ensure they are properly aligned. Finally, zip up the mattress cover securely to complete the process.

Detailed Process for Larger Adjustments with Ausbeds

Larger Adjustments Overview

For larger adjustments, customers can contact Ausbeds to arrange a spring swap to achieve their desired firmness level. Ausbeds provides the necessary parts and expertise from the Marrickville factory.

Steps for Arranging a Larger Adjustment

Identify the Need for a Larger Adjustment

If the initial firmness selection does not provide the desired comfort, consider a larger adjustment. For example, you can adjust from a Cloud 13 to a Cloud 2.

Contact Ausbeds

Reach out to Ausbeds customer service to request a spring swap and discuss comfort issues. Provide details about the current mattress model and desired firmness level.

Spring Swap Process

In Sydney

  • Schedule the Swap: Arrange a convenient time for the Ausbeds team to perform the adjustment at your location.
  • On-site Adjustment:
    • Unzip the mattress cover to access the internal layers.
    • Remove the top foam layers to expose the springs.
    • Remove existing springs and install new springs provided by Ausbeds.
    • Reassemble the mattress by replacing the foam layers and zipping up the cover securely.

Outside of Sydney

  • Receive Parts from Ausbeds: Ausbeds will send the necessary parts to your location.
  • Self-Adjustment:
    • Unzip the mattress cover to access the internal layers.
    • Remove the top foam layers to expose the springs.
    • Remove existing springs and install the new springs provided by Ausbeds.
    • Reassemble the mattress by replacing the foam layers and zipping up the cover securely.
  • Time Required: The process takes around 10 minutes.

Test and Adjust

Test the mattress to ensure the new firmness level meets comfort needs. If further adjustments are needed, contact Ausbeds for additional support.

Example Scenarios for Larger Adjustments

From Very Firm (Cloud 13) to Very Soft (Cloud 2)

  • Initial State: Cloud 13 with 1.7mm springs and firm foam.
  • Swap: 1.5mm springs (softer).
  • Process: Contact Ausbeds and request a spring swap to softer springs.

From Very Soft (Cloud 2) to Very Firm (Cloud 13)

  • Initial State: Cloud 2 with 1.5mm springs and soft foam.
  • Swap: 1.7mm springs with firmer foam.
  • Process: Contact Ausbeds and request a spring swap to firmer springs.

By following these steps and leveraging Ausbeds’ support, customers can achieve their perfect mattress firmness.

Mattress Components for Cloud, Aurora, and Cooper Models

To achieve the desired firmness level for different Cloud, Aurora, and Cooper mattress models, it is necessary to swap both the latex foam (or polyfoam for Cooper) and the springs. The table below provides detailed information on which foam and springs are used in each model.

  • Cloud Mattress Details
    Model Number Foam Type Springs Type
    Cloud 2 Softer Latex Softer Springs
    Cloud 3 Softer Latex Softer Springs
    Cloud 4 Softer Latex Softer Springs
    Cloud 5 Medium Latex Medium Springs
    Cloud 6 Medium Latex Medium Springs
    Cloud 7 Medium Latex Medium Springs
    Cloud 8 Medium Latex Firmer Springs
    Cloud 9 Medium Latex Firmer Springs
    Cloud 10 Medium Latex Firmer Springs
    Cloud 11 Very Firm Latex Firmer Springs
    Cloud 12 Very Firm Latex Firmer Springs
    Cloud 13 Very Firm Latex Firmer Springs
  • Aurora Mattress Details
    Model Number Foam Type Springs Type
    Aurora 2 Softer Latex Softer Springs
    Aurora 3 Softer Latex Softer Springs
    Aurora 4 Softer Latex Softer Springs
    Aurora 5 Medium Latex Medium Springs
    Aurora 6 Medium Latex Medium Springs
    Aurora 7 Medium Latex Medium Springs
    Aurora 8 Medium Latex Firmer Springs
    Aurora 9 Medium Latex Firmer Springs
    Aurora 10 Medium Latex Firmer Springs
    Aurora 11 Very Firm Latex Firmer Springs
    Aurora 12 Very Firm Latex Firmer Springs
    Aurora 13 Very Firm Latex Firmer Springs
  • Cooper Mattress Details
    Model Number Foam Type Springs Type
    Cooper 2 Very Soft Polyfoam Softer Springs
    Cooper 3 Very Soft Polyfoam Softer Springs
    Cooper 4 Very Soft Polyfoam Softer Springs
    Cooper 5 Medium Polyfoam Medium Springs
    Cooper 6 Medium Polyfoam Medium Springs
    Cooper 7 Medium Polyfoam Medium Springs
    Cooper 8 Medium Polyfoam Firmer Springs
    Cooper 9 Medium Polyfoam Firmer Springs
    Cooper 10 Medium Polyfoam Firmer Springs
    Cooper 11 Very Firm Polyfoam Firmer Springs
    Cooper 12 Very Firm Polyfoam Firmer Springs
    Cooper 13 Very Firm Polyfoam Firmer Springs

Ausbeds Mattress Prices

Below is all of the prices for all ausbeds mattresses.

  • Cooper Polyfoam
    Size Price (AUD)
    Single $850
    King Single $1,150
    Double $1,350
    Queen $1,500
    King $1,750
  • Aurora Latex
    Size Price (AUD)
    Single $1,700
    King Single $1,950
    Double $2,350
    Queen $2,450
    King $2,750
  • Cloud Latex
    Size Price (AUD)
    Single $1,950
    King Single $2,350
    Double $2,650
    Queen $2,940
    King $3,190