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The 3 Ausbeds Mattresses

The difference between our 3 mattresses is the layering.
Below is more information about how they are different.

Cooper Polyfoam

Starter Mattress

This mattress has the same quality cover, the same, quality springs, it just uses plastic based foam instead of latex. This foam is found in 99% of mattresses sold.



Heat Dispersal
Pressure Relief
Firmness Options

Aurora Latex

Premium Natural Materials

People who prefer a ‘sleep on top’ of the mattress feel, Get the Aurora. Neither is better, one will be better for you. Everyones different. – Natural Latex



Heat Dispersal
Pressure Relief
Firmness Options

Cloud Latex

Natural Materials, with extra “Cloud”

Prefer to be hugged by a mattress? Get this, 4000 microsprings plus 1160 Honeycomb springs under the latex help achive this feeling. – Natural Latex



Heat Dispersal
Pressure Relief
Firmness Options

Introduction to Ausbeds Mattresses

Welcome to Ausbeds! We offer a range of high-quality mattresses designed to suit different preferences and needs. Our primary mattress models include Cooper Polyfoam, Aurora Latex, and Cloud Latex. Each mattress is carefully crafted to provide the best comfort and support, using premium materials and innovative designs. Here’s a quick overview of what each mattress has to offer:

Cooper Polyfoam

The Cooper Polyfoam mattress is our budget-friendly option, ideal for those seeking basic comfort and support. This mattress features high-density polyfoam. It’s a practical choice for budget-conscious buyers who want a reliable and durable mattress.

Aurora Latex

The Aurora Latex mattress combines natural latex with micro springs to offer exceptional durability and breathability. With 3160 springs (1160 pocketsprings + 2000 microsprings). It’s perfect for eco-conscious buyers who prefer natural materials and a highly durable mattress.

Cloud Latex

The Cloud Latex mattress is designed for maximum comfort, featuring an extra layer of micro springs. With a total of 5160 springs (1160 pocketsprings + 4000 microsprings), it offers a “cloud-like” feel, making it ideal for those who prefer a softer, more cushioned sleeping experience. This premium mattress is perfect for individuals seeking top-tier comfort and support.

Feature Cooper Polyfoam Aurora Latex Cloud Latex
Price (Queen) $1,500 $2,450 $2,940
Total Springs 1160 pocketsprings 3160 springs (1160 pocketsprings + 2000 microsprings) 5160 springs (1160 pocketsprings + 4000 microsprings)
Materials High-density polyfoam 5cm Dunlop natural latex with micro springs 5cm Dunlop natural latex with micro springs
Thickness 31 cm 31 cm 34 cm
Comfort Basic comfort, suitable for budget buyers High comfort with breathability Extra comfort due to additional micro springs
Durability Moderate (uses plastic foam) Exceptional (latex is highly durable) Very high (latex does not sag)
Eco-friendliness Low (plastic foam) High (natural materials) High (natural materials)
Adjustability Adjustable through component swaps Up to 14 different adjustments Up to 23 different adjustments
Firmness Options Softer, Medium, Firmer, Very Firm Softer, Medium, Firmer, Very Firm Softer, Medium, Firmer, Very Firm
Target Audience Budget-conscious buyers Eco-conscious buyers seeking lasting support People seeking premium comfort and support


  • Q: What materials are used in Ausbeds mattresses?
    A: The Cooper Polyfoam mattress uses high-density polyfoam. The Aurora and Cloud mattresses both use 5cm Dunlop natural latex with micro springs for enhanced comfort and durability.
  • Q: What is the difference between the total springs in each mattress?
    A: The Cooper mattress has 1160 pocketsprings. The Aurora mattress has a total of 3160 springs (1160 pocketsprings + 2000 microsprings), and the Cloud mattress has a total of 5160 springs (1160 pocketsprings + 4000 microsprings).
  • Q: How thick are the mattresses?
    A: The Cooper and Aurora mattresses are both 31 cm thick, while the Cloud mattress is 34 cm thick.
  • Q: Are these mattresses eco-friendly?
    A: Yes, both the Aurora and Cloud mattresses use natural latex, which is eco-friendly. The Cooper mattress, however, uses plastic foam, which is less eco-friendly.
  • Q: Can I adjust the firmness of these mattresses?
    A: Yes, all Ausbeds mattresses offer adjustable firmness. The Cooper mattress can be adjusted through component swaps. The Aurora mattress allows up to 14 different adjustments, and the Cloud mattress allows up to 23 different adjustments.
  • Q: Who are these mattresses best suited for?
    A: The Cooper mattress is best for budget-conscious buyers. The Aurora mattress is ideal for eco-conscious buyers seeking lasting support. The Cloud mattress is perfect for individuals seeking premium comfort and support.
Australian Made
Designed and Manufactured in Sydney
Try 100 Nights
Pick-up and refund if you’re not happy
100% Guarantee
Adjust it until it’s comfortable
Eco Friendly
Layers are replaceable so it lasts longer!


Below is the exact layering of all Ausbeds mattresses.
Below is the exact layering of all Ausbeds mattresses.


  • Cover
    Completely Removable Cover
  • 3rd Layer
    25mm of 35/160 Joyce Polyfoam
  • 2nd Layer
    25mm of 35/160 Joyce Polyfoam
  • 1st Layer
    25mm of 25/60 Joyce Polyfoam
  • Spring System
    1160 Honeycomb Pocketsprings

The “Cooper” is 31cm thick

Aurora Latex

  • Cover
    Completely Removable Cover
  • 3rd Layer
    5cm Dunlop Natural Pour Latex
  • 2nd Layer
    2000 microsprings
  • 1st Layer
    1.5cms of latex (spring protection layer)
  • Spring System
    1160 Honeycomb Pocketsprings

The “Aurora” is 31cm thick

Cloud Latex

  • Cover
    Completely Removable Cover
  • 5th Layer
    5cm Dunlop Natural Pour Latex
  • 4th Layer
    2000 microsprings
  • 3rd Layer
    1.5cms of latex (spring protection layer)
  • 2nd Layer
    2000 microsprings
  • 1st Layer
    1.5cms of latex (spring protection layer)
  • Spring System
    1160 Honeycomb Pocketsprings

The “Cloud” is 34cm thick

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